Regulate Vaping
Embrace within Telehealth rebates, higher charges for some medical services
Change route of Parramatta light rail
Obtain government funding $1.5 billion p.a. for one service industry
Thwart government plans to close Hornsby & Neringah hospitals
Protect chickens & breeders from foreign diseases
Protect small businesses and farmers from unscrupulous banks
Protect apples and pears and the industry from foreign diseases
Substantially reduce the road toll, saving tens of thousands of lives
Obtain 50% licence renewal discounts for safe drivers
Obtain operations, beds, medical disability and respite care for patients
Obtain world first smoking bans on commercial airlines
Advocate for the Banking Royal Commission
Obtain mental health care for patients previously denied it
Protect threatened city environments
Retain Kosciuszko snow fields in public hands for community lodges
Obtain city and regional school facilities
Obtain previously refused govt. funding, for seriously disabled children
Better bushfire management around residential areas
Marinas located at optimal sites
Initiate community consultations on and off line